60 min | $150
Live Zoom call which will be recorded. Topic suggestions include:
Natal - An interpretation and discussion of your birth chart. This focuses on the general themes of your life.
Life Purpose - Focuses on your life's direction. What gives you purpose and meaning?
Year Ahead - Reviews upcoming transits and timing periods in the next 12 months and what they mean for your life.
Love - Discusses romance, partnership, marriage, and timing
30 min | $75
Live Zoom call which will be recorded. Topic suggestions:
Temperament - A calculation and discussion of your temperament type. Temperament relates to your body's natural state of equilibrium as well as your personality.
Career - Focuses on your work and overall livelihood.
Difficult Situation - For anyone who has a problem in their life that they want to understand (& hopefully improve) through astrology.
Lot Reading - Lots are a technique that determines the fortune, in a neutral sense, of various topics. Some Lot options are Mother, Father, Siblings, Friends, Marriage, Fortune, and Spirit. Please note which Lots you are interested in.
Challenges - Focuses on the difficult areas of your life, what those look like, and how you can work on improving them.
The Good Stuff - Reviews the positive areas of your life that bring you joy and comfort and how you can lean into them.
Electional astrology, aka event astrology, focuses on finding the best time to begin something. This can include things like electing the best time to launch a business, when to go on a trip, when to start a new project, etc. Election questions can be used for any important or significant action. Like horary, elections require less client interaction and will be conducted via email.